Tetracyclines Rapid Test Kit

Product Code
Kit Principle
Test Type
Single Test
Food Safety Testing
Honey Testing
Milk Rapid Testing
Meat Testing



Tetracyclines Rapid Test kit is used to detect tetracyclines residue in milk, honey, meat and eggs. The detection limit meets EU, China and Codex MRLs.

Tetracyclines (TC) are broad-spectrum antibiotics whose general usefulness has been reduced with the onset of antibiotic resistance. Despite this, they remain the treatment of choice for some specific indications, especially in veterinary practice. MRLs of TC have been set to 100ppb in EU, China, and Codex Standards.

Key facts of the Tetracyclines rapid test kit

  • Ready to use kits for farmers, truck drivers, etc
  • Incubation required.
  • Result visible in 10min.
  • Broad-specific to all TC

Tetracyclines Rapid Test Kit for other applications

Product Code Product Name Detection Limit
100307 Honey Tetracycline Rapid Test Kit
  • Tetracycline: 5-7 ppb
  • Oxytetracycline: 5-8 ppb
  • chlorotetracycline: 10-13 ppb
  • Doxycycline: 15-20 pp
510006 Meat Tetracycline Rapid Test Kit
  • Tetracycline:15-20 ppb
  • Oxytetracycline: 15-20 ppb
  • chlorotetracycline: 50-80 ppb
  • Doxycycline: 80-100 ppb

Detection Limit of the kit

80-100ppb, this detection limit may change, please refer to the kit insert.

If you want to detect multiple drug residues, please check the following products:

Kit Components

  • Tetracycline Rapid Test Strip, 96pcs
  • Microwell reagent, 96wells
  • Plastic Pipette, 96pcs
  • Microwell holder

Materials required but not provided

  • Micropipette, 20-200ul
  • Microwell Incubator, with 25-40 ℃
  • Plastic Pipette, 96pcs