Metamizole Rapid Test Kit

Product Code
Kit Principle
Test Type
Single Test
Milk Rapid Testing



This Metamizole Rapid Test Kit detects metamizole in milk in 10min. Detection Limit meets EU / Russia / China / Codex / Australian MRL.

Metamizole Rapid Test Kit

Metamizole is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The mechanism of action of dipyrone is thought to be similar to that of other NSAIDs: inhibition of the production of prostaglandins. It commonly is used in the horse as an antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

Metamizole Rapid Test Kit Facts

  • Ready to use kits for farmers, truck drivers, etc
  • No incubation required
  • Result visible in less than 10min
  • Rapid assay with broad-specificity to Metamizole.

Metamizole Rapid Test Kit Components

  • Rapid Test Strip, 96pcs
  • Microwell reagent, 96wells
  • Plastic Pipette, 96pcs

The detection limit of Metamizole Rapid Test Kit

  • Metamizole: 25ng/ml, 

Further readings