Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Real-time PCR Test Kit

Product Code
Kit Principle
Pet Test



Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Real-time PCR Test Kit is to detect immunodeficieny virus in cat ascites, which is rapid, accurate and easy-to-operate. Sensitivity 100%, Specificity 100%.

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is one of the most common and consequential infectious diseases of cats around the world. In infected cats, FIV attacks the immune system, leaving the cat vulnerable to many other infections. Although cats infected with FIV may appear normal for years, they eventually suffer from immune deficiency, which allows normally harmless bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi found in the everyday environment to potentially cause severe illnesses.

Key facts of the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Real-time PCR Test Kit

  • Ready to use kits for the vet clinic
  • No extraction required
  • Result in 30min.

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Real-time PCR Test Kit Components

Item # Item Qty
1 PCR reaction solution 120ul
2 Negative Control 50ul
3 Positive Control 50ul
4 Exogenous Gene Control 50ul
5 Sample buffer 1ml
6 Enzyme mix 10ul
7 Kit user manual 1set

What is feline immunodeficiency virus?

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a virus specific to the cat family. It is similar to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus, the cause of AIDS in people) in that it attacks and weakens the immune system and there is no cure. FIV was first recognized in the mid-1980s and has been found in cats worldwide. Although widespread, it is not a common infection in cats. Only 1-5% of cats show evidence of exposure to the virus. There are different strains of FIV, and some seem more harmful than others.

How do cats get FIV?

Infected cats shed the virus mainly in their saliva. Naturally occurring transmission of an infection occurs when an infected cat that is actively shedding virus into the saliva bites another cat, directly inoculating its saliva through the bite wound. A susceptible cat can also become infected when other bodily fluids, particularly infected blood, enter its body. Infected blood may enter the cat's body through a bite wound, or the cat may become infected by means of a blood transfusion. The virus may also be sexually transmitted.

Will my cat recover from FIV?

As far as we know, once a cat is infected with the FIV virus, it will remain infected for the rest of its life. However, it is not clear if all infected cats will become clinically ill. It may be weeks, months, or even years after initial infection with FIV before a cat will develop clinical signs of illness.

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