Canine Pancreatitis Rapid Test Kit

Product Code
Kit Principle
Pet Test



This Canine pancreatitis Rapid Test Kit is based on immunochromatographic assay to detect canine pancreatitis in canine plasma or serum.

Canine pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas that can occur in two very different forms. Acute pancreatitis is sudden, while chronic pancreatitis is characterized by recurring or persistent form of pancreatic inflammation. Cases of both can be considered mild or severe.

Key facts of the Canine Pancreatitis Rapid Test Kit

  • Ready to use kits for pet owners and vet clinic
  • No special instrument required
  • Suitable for field test
  • Result in 10min.


Product Code C11431
Unit Size 15tests
Principle Lateral flow rapid tests
Target Species Canine
Target Samples Serum, Blood
Incubation Time 15min
Performance This kit is 100% specific, and sensitivity is >99%
Standard Components: This kit includes:
- Rapid Test Card, 15pcs
- Sample buffer, 15pcs
- Swabs, 15pcs
- Kit manual, 1set


MSDS  C11431-Pancreatitis-Ag-MSDS.pdf
Datasheet  C11431-Canine-Pancreatitis-Test-Datasheet.pdf
User Manual  C11431-Canine-Pancreatitis-Test-Card.pdf

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