Foot-and-Mouth Disease nonstructural protein, FMD NSP 3ABC antibody ELISA Kit

Product Code
Kit Principle
Goat/Sheep Test Kits
Swine / Porcine



This FMD NSP 3ABC antibody blocking ELISA kit is used to detect FMD nonstructure protein 3ABC specific antibody in cattle / goat / sheep / swine serum and plasma, to monitor if the animal is infected or vaccindated. It is 100% specific to FMD NSP 3ABC. The sensitivity is over 95%. 

Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a severe, highly contagious viral disease of livestock that has a significant economic impact. The disease affects cattle, swine, sheep, goats and other cloven-hoofed ruminants. Intensively reared animals are more susceptible to the disease than traditional breeds. The disease is rarely fatal in adult animals, but there is often high mortality in young animals due to myocarditis or, when the dam is infected by the disease, lack of milk.

FMD is characterised by fever and blister-like sores on the tongue and lips, in the mouth, on the teats and between the hooves. The disease causes severe production losses, and while the majority of affected animals recover, the disease often leaves them weakened and debilitated.

The disease may be suspected based on clinical signs. However, FMD cannot be differentiated clinically from other vesicular diseases, such as swine vesicular disease, vesicular stomatitis, and vesicular exanthema. Confirmation of any suspected FMD case through laboratory tests is therefore a matter of urgency. 

Key facts of this FMD NSP 3ABC antibody ELISA Kit

  • Ready to use kits for farmers
  • Applicable for large quantity testing
  • Less than 120min to get result
  • Low cost with high sensitivity

Performance of the FMD NSP 3ABC antibody ELISA Kit

FMD NSP 3ABC antibody ELISA Kit is used to measure the quantity of antibodies generated by vaccination or infection of FMDV NSP 3ABC.

This ELISA kit can be used to detect FMD NSP antibody in swine / bovine / caprine / ovine serum (or plasma).


Technical Information for the FMD NSP 3ABC antibody ELISA Kit

Product Code E30034
Package Size 1*96T, 2*96T, 5*96T
Shelf-life 12 months
Storage 2-8 degree celsius at cool dark place
Delivery Room temperature
Senstivity >95%
Specificity >99%
Reproducibility Inter-lot C.V. <10%; Intra-lot C.V. <5%
Total time cost 50min-40min-10min, in total 105min
ELISA reading 450nm with ELISA reader
Approval status Being registered with MOA

FMD NSP 3ABC antibody ELISA Kit Components

  • Positive/Negative Control, 1 pair
  • Micoplate pre-coated with recombinant 3ABC antigen
  • HRP enzyme conjugate
  • TMB Substrate
  • Stop solution (not available when shipping by air)
  • Sample buffer
  • Wash buffer

Please notice that the kit component above is only for information purpose. You should also check the kit content for details.

Performance of the FMD NSP 3ABC antibody ELISA Kit

The FMD NSP 3ABC antibody ELISA Kit is used to measure the quantity of antibodies generated by vaccination or infection of FMDV serotype A.

This ELISA kit can be used to detect FMD serotype A antibody in swine / bovine / caprine / ovine serum (or plasma).

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