Florfenicol ELISA Kit

Product Code
Kit Principle
Food Safety Testing
Milk Rapid Testing



Florfenicol ELISA Kit is a competitive ELISA kit to detect florfenicol in milk and milk powder.

Florfenicol is a thiamphenicol derivative with the same mechanism of action as chloramphenicol (inhibition of protein synthesis). However, it is more active than either chloramphenicol or thiamphenicol, and maybe more bactericidal than previously thought against some pathogens. Suspected residues of these drugs in body tissues of treated birds can be passed to humans through meat consumption and thus lead to serious ill effects on human health.

This florfenicol ELISA Kit is based on indirect competitive ELISA, the coupled antigen was pre-coated in the microwells, the florfenicol will compete for the antibody with the pre-coated antigen, then add HRP enzyme conjugate and TMB substrate successively, the OD value of the sample is negatively correlated with the content of florfenicol contained in the sample. The standard curve is fitted by regression and multiplied by the corresponding dilution ratio to obtain the content of florfenicol in the sample.

**If you are looking for Chloramphenicol rapid test kit, please check here

Key facts of the Florfenicol ELISA Kit

  • Ready to use ELISA kit based on Competitive Immunoassay
  • Total time required only 75min
  • Highly specific to florfenicol.
  • Applicable for milk sample

Florfenicol ELISA Kit parameters

  • Sensitivity: 0.025 ppb, ng/ml
  • Stability: 12 months when stored properly
  • Accuracy: 80%-120%

Florfenicol ELISA Kit components

  • Precoated microwell, 96wells
  • Florfenicol standard series, 0.025 - 100 ng/ml
  • Enzyme conjugate
  • TMB Substrate
  • Stop solution (not available when shipping by air)
  • Sample buffer
  • Wash buffer

For more information about the florfenicol ELISA kit, please feel free to contact us.

Further readings