Biotin (Vitamin B7) Rapid Test Kit

Product Code
Kit Principle
Milk Rapid Testing



Vitamin B7, or biotin, is an essential micronutrient required for the metabolism of carbohydrates and decarboxylation of amino acids, as this molecule is a cofactor in several carboxylase enzymes, such as acetyl-CoA carboxylase and pyruvate carboxylase. The molecule contains three asymmetric carbon atoms, and hence eight stereoisomers are possible. Of these, only dextrorotatory (+) d-biotin occurs in nature and possesses vitamin activity. Daily requirements range from 5 μg (for infants) to 35 μg (for breastfeeding women). Codex has established a lower limit of 1.5 μg/100 kcal and a GUL of 70 μg/100 kcal in infant formula and foods for special medical purposes. Biotin is present in all natural foodstuffs, but its content in even the richest sources is very low when compared with the content of most other WSVs. Liver, eggs, soybeans, and peanuts are particularly rich sources of biotin. Other sources like yeast, wheat bran, oatmeal, muscle meats, fish, dairy products, and cereals contain smaller amounts. This kit is based on the ISO method to detect vitamin B7 in milk powder.

Key facts of this biotin vitamin B7 rapid test kit

  • Ready to use test kit based on microbiology growth
  • Method adapted from ISO standards
  • Applicable for milk, baby formula, pharmaceuticals, food and feed, etc.

Biotin vitamin B7 rapid test kit key parameters

  • Sensitivity: 0.08 ug/100g
  • Stability: 12 months when stored properly
  • Accuracy: 90%-110%
  • Sample application: milk, milk powder

Biotin vitamin B7 rapid test kit components

  • Precoated microwell, 96wells
  • Biotin standard solution
  • Culture medium
  • Sterialized water
  • Plate cover

Further reading on vitamin B7 testing in food